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The Essence of Italian Arte di Vivere

Exceptional interpretations inspired by the vibrant essence of Colonia

With Our Compliments

Receive a miniature Magnolia Infinita with all orders above £170

The Perfect Pair
Cube Candle and Leather Base

Crafted exclusively for the Cube Candle, a leather base for a luxurious touch

Candle Splendour
Jumbo Candle and Leather Socle

Crafted to accompany the Jumbo candle, the Leather Socle is an object of craftsmanship and timeless style.

With Our Compliments
Receive a miniature Magnolia Infinita with all orders above £170
Your Personal Message
Record your videomessage and we'll send it to your recipient with their gift
With our compliments
Discover complimentary fragrance trials included with every order
Engraving Service
Personalise your scents with special engravings